Serve these savory little fritters as an elegant appetizer for autumn gatherings, or on their own as a light meal. Garnish fritters with creme fraiche...
Serve these savory little fritters as an elegant appetizer for autumn gatherings, or on their own as a light meal. Garnish fritters with creme fraiche...
Serve these savory little fritters as an elegant appetizer for autumn gatherings, or on their own as a light meal. Garnish fritters with creme fraiche...
Thanks to the inspiration from two other AllRecipes recipes, I concocted this and it was a winner. It wasn't really spicy at all and the kids loved it....
Thanks to the inspiration from two other AllRecipes recipes, I concocted this and it was a winner. It wasn't really spicy at all and the kids loved it....
This is one of our favorite dishes during Lent. This recipe can be made ahead and then kept warm in the oven for 20 minutes. Being Irish and German, I...
This recipe was given to me after smelling them cooking in my neighbor's kitchen while working in the garden. Zucchini is mixed with onion and cheese into...
Thanks to the inspiration from two other AllRecipes recipes, I concocted this and it was a winner. It wasn't really spicy at all and the kids loved it....
This recipe was given to me after smelling them cooking in my neighbor's kitchen while working in the garden. Zucchini is mixed with onion and cheese into...
These sweet and delicious zucchini pancakes are easy to make and heavenly served warm with whipped cream. The kids will never know what's in them either!...
These sweet and delicious zucchini pancakes are easy to make and heavenly served warm with whipped cream. The kids will never know what's in them either!...
Thanks to the inspiration from two other AllRecipes recipes, I concocted this and it was a winner. It wasn't really spicy at all and the kids loved it....